Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Perspective on Craigs List Ads

Guy Kawasaki provides terrific feedback from the perspective of a hiring manager who places a Craigs List ad. First, his observations confirm one of my long-held beliefs from my days as a hiring manager. You can learn a lot about a candidate's work habits by asking him/her to complete a simple exercise that simulates a functional duty of the position in question. Guy cites several instances of "laziness" that he witnessed when he asked candidates to provide samples of photos.

Second, Guy confirmed the impact of a well-written, thoughtful ad response. How can you prove yourself to be remarkable with a one-size-fits-all form letter or by not sending any cover letter at all? Your interview starts with the first keystroke. So get it right from the start.

Finally, and most applicable to my current situation, responses to Craigs list ads are of a high quality and come flooding in quickly. So, the shelf life of a job posting is short and leaving an attractive posting unaddressed for several days can be risky. As a result, I've adjusted my schedule to check and respond to online ads (especially Craigs List) more frequently throughout the week.

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