Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Call me a Troublemaker

Last week I decided to begin testing this new brand for myself. I am becoming increasingly disappointed in the "remarkability" of the "Growth Catalyst" title I originally created for myself.

Granted, the "Troublemaker" tag certainly carries its risks. My family and friends have not been shy in voicing their disapproval. But when I press them on their reasoning, their comments all follow a similar theme - "It's not safe! What if you turn somebody off by giving them the wrong impression?" Well, that's the point isn't it? It would be "safe" for me to label myself as a sales and marketing executive. That certainly wouldn't scare anyone away. But it wouldn't pique anybody's interest either.

This brand conveys my ability to disrupt markets and acknowledges that it's necessary to take risks in order to do so successfully. I am counting on the fact that my future employer is looking for just that quality to help their product stand out in the marketplace. If the CEO of company X doesn't interpret my brand the same way, then we're probably not a match anyway. However, if the brand catches somebody's eye and they immediately get the message, it could be the beginning of something special.

That's a risk I'm willing to take.

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